Japan Wildlife
My Favorites
Ireland, Auks and Thieves
Ecuador Birds 01
Raptors Spain
Ecuador Birds 02
Japan Wildlife
Costa Rica 02
Southern African Birds1
Northern Gannets
Southern African Birds2
Costa Rica 01
Yellowstone NP in Spring
African Mammals
Pilanusberg South Africa
Falkland Islands
Bald Eagles
My Favorites
Ireland, Auks and Thieves
Ecuador Birds 01
Raptors Spain
Ecuador Birds 02
Japan Wildlife
Costa Rica 02
Southern African Birds1
Northern Gannets
Southern African Birds2
Costa Rica 01
Yellowstone NP in Spring
African Mammals
Pilanusberg South Africa
Falkland Islands
Bald Eagles
Doublebanded Sandgrouse - Pterocles bicinctus - Dubbelbandzandhoe
Striped Kingfisher - Halcyon chelicuti - Gestreepte IJsvogel
Great White Pelican - Pelecanus onocrotalus - Roze Pelikaan
Black Heron - Egretta ardesiaca - Zwarte Reiger
Lappet-faced Vulture - Torgos tracheliotos - Oorgier
Striated heron - Butorides striata - Mangrovereiger
Martial Eagle - Polemaetus bellicosus - Vechtarend
White-fronted Bee-eater - Merops bullockoides - Witkapbijeneter
Mariqua Flycatcher - Bradornis mariquensis - Maricovliegenvanger
Black-crowned Tchagra - Tchagra senegala - Zwartkruintsjagra
Gray-headed Kingfisher - Halcyon leucocephala - Grijskopijsvogel
Yellow-billed Kite - Milvus aegyptius - Geelsnavelwouw
Black-collared barbet - Lybius torquatus - Zwarthalsbaardvogel
Water Thick-knee - Burhinus vermiculatus - Watergriel
Rufous-naped Lark - Mirafra africana - Roodnekleeuwerik
White-throated Swallow - Hirundo albigularis - Witkeelzwaluw
White-faced Whistling-Duck - Dendrocygna viduata - Witwangfluiteend
Woolly-necked Stork - Ciconia episcopus - Bisschopsooievaar
Pearl-spotted owlet - Glaucidium perlatum - Geparelde Dwerguil
Wattled Crane - Grus carunculata - Lelkraanvogel
Bateleur - Terathopius ecaudatus - Bateleur
Fiery-necked Nightjar - Caprimulgus pectoralis - Roesthalsnachtzwaluw
Yellow-billed Oxpecker - Buphagus africanus - Geelsnavelossenpikker
Red-backed Shrike - Lanius collurio - Grauwe klauwier
Red-necked Falcon - Falco chicquera - Roodkopsmelleken
Lesser Jacana - Microparra capensis - Dwergjacana
Rosy-throated Longclaw - Macronyx ameliae - Roodkeellangklauw
Secretarybird - Sagittarius serpentarius - Secretarisvogel
White-breasted Sunbird - Cinnyris talatala - Witbuikhoningzuiger
Burchell's Sandgrouse - Pterocles burchelli - Bont Zandhoen
White-backed Vulture - Gyps africanus - Witruggier
Malachite Kingfisher - Corythornis cristatus - Malachietijsvogel
Swainson's Spurfowl - Pternistis swainsonii - Swainsons Frankolijn
Tawny Eagle - Aquila rapax - Savannearend
Lilac-breasted Roller - Coracias caudatus - Vorkstaartscharrelaar
Southern Carmine Bee-eater - Merops nubicoides - Karmijnrode Bijeneter
Red-billed Buffalo-Weaver - Bubalornis niger - Roodsnavelbuffelwever
Broad-billed roller - Eurystomus glaucurus - Breedbekscharrelaar
Southern Ground-Hornbill - Bucorvus leadbeateri - Zuidelijke Hoornraaf
Crimson-breasted Gonolek - Laniarius atrococcineus - Burchells Fiskaal
Denham’s Bustard - Neotis denhami - Denhams Trap
Hamerkop - Hamerkop - Scopus umbretta
Yellow-billed Stork - Micteria ibis - Afrikaanse Nimmerzat
Pied Kingfisher - Ceryle rudis - Bonte IJsvogel
Saddle-billed Stork - Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis - Zadelbekooievaar
Burchell's Starling - Lamprotornis australis - Grote Glansspreeuw
Sabota Lark - Mirafra sabota - Sabotaleeuwerik
Red-billed Spurfowl - Pternistis adspersus – Roodsnavelfrankolijn
Hooded Vulture - Necrosyrtes monachus - Kapgier
Long-tailed Cormorant - Microcarbo africanus - Afrikaanse Dwergaalscholver
African Sacred Ibis - Threskiornis aethiopicus - Heilige Ibis
Kori Bustard - Ardeotis kori - Koritrap
Little Bee-eater - Merops pusillus - Dwergbijeneter
Coppery-tailed Coucal - Centropus cupreicaudus - Koperstaartspoorkoekoek
Hadada Ibis - Bostrychia hagedash - Hadada Ibis
Knob-billed Duck - Sarkidiornis melanotos - Knobbeleend
Swallow-tailed Bee-eater - Merops hirundineus - Zwaluwstaartbijeneter
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